
Final event of the project “Non-Profits & Media Advocating for good!” in Athens!

"How does a law change?" "How do I mobilize people?" "Are advocacy actions funded?" "Is advocacy for big organizations?" On the other side are important allies, the Greek media that ...

Invitation 13/12 & 14/12 – Thessaloniki: 2nd Cycle “Non-profits & Media Advocating for Good!”

What does "open knowledge" mean and where does it help us? Access to open data creates a sense of security. When reliable data is not available can we have fake ...

Application for Participation in the 1st Cycle of Experiential Seminars of the project “Non-Profits & Media Advocating for good!”

We are pleased to announce the start of the educational experiential seminars of the project "Non-Profits & Media Advocating for good!", which will take place in Athens and in three ...

Informative Event “Non-profits & Media Advocating for Good!” – Patras

18 March 2021 - We held the last online informative event in Patras for the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for good!", which is implemented under the Active citizens fund ...

Invitation 18/03 – Patras: “Media Advocating for Good!”

We are pleased to invite you to the online informative event for the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for good!", which is implemented in the framework of the Active citizens ...

Informative Event “Non-profits & Media Advocating for Good!” – Komotini

11 February 2021 - We held the second online informative event for the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for good!", which is implemented in the framework of the Active citizens ...

Invitation 25/02 – Athens: “Media Advocating for Good!”

We are pleased to invite you to the online informative event for the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for good!", which is implemented in the framework of the Active citizens ...

Informative Event “Non-profits & Media Advocating for Good!” – Athens

25 February 2021 - More than 50 representatives of Non-profit Organizations and Media active in Athens, attended the third online informative event for the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for ...

Invitation 11/02 – Komotini: HIGGS Online Event “Non-profits & Media Advocating for Good!”

We are pleased to invite you to the online informative event on the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for good!", which is implemented in the framework of the Active citizens ...

Informative Event “Non-profits & Media Advocating for Good!” – Thessaloniki

28 January 2021 - We held the online informative event for representatives of Non-profit Organizations and Media active in Thessaloniki for the project "Non-profits & Media advocating for good!", which ...